The Trustworthiness of The Media in Russia And The West (Konstantin Kisin)

People hate the media. Media dishonesty has accelerated considerably in the West since around 2015. The well-deserved loss of trust has made some jump onto the irrational assumption that whatever sounds the most remote from the media’s explanation is the reality. This “logic” has absurd side effects such as the mainstream media still remaining the compass and that their inconsistency must be mirrored whenever they knot their narrative into a pretzel.

In need of finding a standpoint that looks – at first glance – like the most remote one from that of Western media, a variety of political influencers have blindly trusted Russian media. The irony is big, literally, since Russian propaganda is infamous for its absurd level of inconsistency.

Lutheran Church Sends Migrant Rescue Ship Into The Med

Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, the president of the council of the Lutheran Church, has announced that they will purchase and sent a “rescue ship” to the Mediterranean Sea. Various groups of the “civil society” are expected to join in and the Catholic Council of the Bishops has already signalled its support. The step follows a resolution of the Lutheran Church Day. A look at the other passed, not yet materialized, resolutions show the nature of the church today.

Link to the resolutions.

My video explaining the Lutheran Church Day Festival.

My video on the Hambacher Forst Woodland fights.

Endtimes Doom Reminds Me of Christian Gospel

I made a little cutting error yesterday, but I decided to post it now anyway.