German Authorities Try to Threaten Free-Speech Platform Gab

Gab’s legal team is flooded with correspondence from Germany. The authorities are utterly concerned about evil speech giving rise to Polit-Satan – coincidentally – shortly before the upcoming general election. CEO Andrew Torba wrote an email to his subscribers contemplating whether fight or flight is the right reaction. Should Gab block German IPs? Or should all those fines and legal threats go straight into the trash bin where all those spam fake invoices go?

My Superficial Take On The Rocket Terror Over Israel

My channel is devoted to German and EU politics and, yet, the assault on Western land cannot remain undiscussed. The ramifications of Middle Eastern politics for Europe and America are bigger than many people think. I understand and respect America’s desire for “a little me-time” (Ann Coulter phrase). I respect it the more because of Europe’s inaction over the past decades and I respect it because Americans, particularly those who protect us Westerners with their service in the US military, deserve to be involved in as few cases as possible and by a political leadership that they can trust. We don’t have a trustworthy leadership in the West right now. Naturally, I don’t ask for any involvement and, thus, this is not what the video is about.

Yet, the idea that the Middle East has nothing to do with us while Muslims keep pouring into our countries must be contested. Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar and others are constantly lecturing us about our alleged “racism”. And, often enough, the money for the woke brainwashing comes from camouflage outfits of the Muslim Brotherhood, the mothership of the Hamas terror group which is launching rockets from the Gaza strip right now.

This is an off-the-cuff talk. So I don’t go through rocket types, terror groups and leadership quotes to link the violence to the funders in Tehran.

Why Trump Is Right About Moving Troops Out of Germany

Donald Trump is chasing the bills. Germany is notoriously remiss in spending the promised 2% of its GDP on Defence. The attitude is a mix of ingratitute, anti-Americanism and pseudo-pacifism. Why would anybody take precautions if, on your behalf, American soldiers will put their lives on the line? It is so easy to be a pacifist while the heat is low, particularly if you can rely on others to take it, should push come to shove.

Of course, Germany does have an army, the Bundeswehr, which used to be very respected, at least until the Russians got out of the country and the debilitating cuts began. They see their obligation in assisting NATO partners with mission participations they are poorly equipped and adequate for. The self-set task is to clear the seas with the British and to patrol the African deserts with the French, albeit the partners have a long-standing history and understanding of their territories while the Germans are exhausting themselves as multi-specialised and ultimately unspecialised aides.

The problem is therefore twofold: In addition to the low budget the troops lack focus.

Various weapon systems are in shambles. According to the “Report on the Material Employability of the Main Weapon Systems of the Bundeswehr in 2019”
less than 50% readiness can be expected of the Tornado (jet), the CH-53 (helicopter), the Lockheed P-3c Orien (maritime surveillance aircraft) and tanker ships class 704; less than 40% can be expected of the PUMA (tank), A400M (carrier aircraft), H 145M LUH (helicopter), GTF ZLK (hardshell truck) and NH-90 (helicopter).

And while Germans were so comfortable in their pseudo-moral shirker-parcifism, they whittled down their stable energy system to become ever more reliant on Russian gas.

Additional sources:–gorch-fock–soll-ende-2020-fertig-sein-33791392

Bundeswehr gab 2019 mehr als 430 Millionen für private Wachdienste aus