MP Thanks Thugs For Beating Up Anti-Merkel Protester

Since seven weeks there is a weekly anti-Merkel march in the city of Hamburg. The first march was only one woman Uta Ogilvie with her sign. People joined in the next week. At the time of her third march the number of violent threats against her and her family have forced her to stop her engagement.

A second woman registered the protest for the same time slot and same space the following week. She was also forced to retreat because of threats against her and her family. Whoever picked up the organization thereafter continues to this date.

Threats and violent attacks also hit the protesters who joined in. Each Monday the police turned up with about thousand men to fend off antifa aggressors. After each March the participants are led to an underground station where the train leaves to changing, secret destinations. Stones are reportedly thrown at them.

Physical attacks are a regular phenomenom. Two weeks ago a 67-year old man was punched in the face – it took four cowardly masked antifa thugs to beat him.

This Monday a small group of 200 people still dared to protest. As is the case with most anti-Merkel demonstrations this is only a small fraction of those who were willing to participate. Many did not make it to the place because of the “counter-demonstrations”. Still 200 did and bestseller author Matthias Mattusek gave a speech.

After the march a 37-year old protester was on his way home when two men pulled their hoods over their faces and attacked him. The police report states that the surprised victim ducked over allowing his attackers to punch him on the back of his head. He then fell on the knees. Courageous citizens tried to intervene and pull away the attackers from the victim.

The smaller of them was verbally threatening them while the larger man continued to beat his victim and finally kicked him into the face. The victim hit the ground with the back of his head. He was then stomped once on the ground. The perpetrators fled. The victim was shortly hospitalized with a cranio-cerebral injury.

On the next day vice-president of the parliament of the City State of Hamburg Christiane Schneider had the following to say, “Thank you Antifa for demonstrating against the right-wing Merkel-must-go protest march on Monday. It would be boring without you. #nonazisHH (HH: car blade initials for Hamburg)”.

Christiane Schneider is a member of party LINKE which was controlling the Eastern German dictatorship under its former name SED.


2 thoughts on “MP Thanks Thugs For Beating Up Anti-Merkel Protester”

  1. This person Schneider is a thug! Is she just stupid or an evil person who supports fascists that is who and groups like Antifa are, financed and supported by George Soros. Who should Be prosecuted.


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